It goes without saying that maximising attendance in school is of the utmost importance and that pupils are most likely to deepen their knowledge and understanding of key concepts by being in front of their classroom teacher.
In the unlikely event that the school needs to close for a prolonged period, we are keen to ensure that pupils can continue with their learning. Such provision will be largely based online and the appropriate links to follow for each subject can be found in the folders below. This provision may also be utilised in your child has a planned prolonged absence form school due to illness, but we would ask that you contact the school should such an instance arise so that we can work with you to ensure provision is wholly appropriate.
Remote Learning Provision - RE
Remote Learning Provision - PE
Remote Learning Provision - Music
Remote Learning Provision - MFL
Remote Learning Provision - Maths
Remote Learning Provision - History
Remote Learning Provision - Geography
Remote Learning Provision - Drama
Remote Learning Provision - DIT
Remote Learning Provision - Dance
Remote Learning Provision - Computer Science
Remote Learning Provision - BTEC Enterprise
Remote Learning Provision - Art and Design
Remote Learning Provision - PSHE
Remote Learning Provision - English
Remote Learning Provision - KS3 Science
Remote Learning Provision - KS4 Science