We believe that our school, our staff, and our pupils are “as good as anyone, anywhere.”
At The Marvell College we are proud of the work we have done to create a supportive and positive environment for staff and pupils alike. Our values of AMBITION, RESPECT & COURAGE are founded in restorative practice and the building of relationships. There will always be occasions when things go wrong; what we do next, and the way we do it, will make the most difference.
As a part of the Hull Collaborative Academy Trust (HCAT) we subscribe the shared belief that there should be equity of opportunity for all staff and pupils. There are 5 strategic pillars within the “HCAT Signature” that underpin the values for all members of our learning community.
During our recent Ofsted inspection one inspector was kind enough to comment “This is a beautiful school in which to learn, and pupils are lucky to have it available to them” and “There is something special about the school.” We are fortunate to have frequent visitors to our school all of whom comment in a similar way. We have been proud to have hosted colleagues from all over the country including through The Difference leaders’ programme, and to have presented at numerous conferences about the work we do to serve our community.
Amongst the things we are most proud of and are happy to share are:
In our recent Ofsted report of July 2024, we were pleased to read:
“This is an inclusive and friendly school.”
“Leaders are ambitious for the pupils.”
“Leaders have created a highly ambitious curriculum.”
“Leaders have made a love of reading a priority.”
“Pupils say that they are happy and safe. They have a trusted adult to go to if they feel worried or upset. Pupils behave well in classrooms and on corridors.”
“Leaders have created a culture where positive relationships are important. Pupils are courteous and respectful towards staff and to each other.”
“Leaders have a strong commitment to the local community and parents say that the school cares well for their children.”
“Leaders have worked relentlessly to improve attendance.”
“Leaders, including those responsible for governance, have a good understanding of the strengths and areas for development of the school.” “They have a clear vision for school improvement.”
“There is a collective will to succeed and a determination that The Marvell College continues to improve.”
If you would like to visit The Marvell College, work with us, or for us, please do get in touch with us through admin@themarvellcollege.com or by telephoning on 01482 799132. We look forward to welcoming you.
Mr D Matthews
“Staff are proud to work at The Marvell College. Leaders take care to ensure that staff workload and well-being is a high priority.” Ofsted July 2024.
“Pupils say that they are happy and safe. They have a trusted adult to go to if they feel worried or upset. Pupils behave well in classrooms and on corridors.” Ofsted July 2024.
“Teachers have strong subject knowledge. They have created positive learning environments in the classroom.” Ofsted July 2024.
Staff well-being, workload and support
At The Marvell College we have the workload and well-being of our staff at the forefront of our decision making. We treat colleagues as professionals and our expectation is that they are doing an excellent job. Whilst some quality assurance is required, we aim to make this developmental and supportive. Some of the steps we take to achieve this are listed below:
Full time teachers are timetabled for a maximum of 21 hours per week. Part time teachers are timetabled on a pro-rata basis.
We expect marking and feedback to happen regularly and to be effective, but we allow subject leaders to determine the approach that will work best in their curriculum area.
All staff are entitled to take a paid well-being day at a mutually convenient time. Many staff split this over two half days. This allows staff to attend sports days, prizegiving’s, have a spa day, visit relatives, or whatever they choose to do with the time.
The school is also not open to pupils on the Friday and Monday either side of the October half term. Whilst staff are welcome to come into school to work on these days if they wish to, we are happy to leave this decision with them, and many take the opportunity to start their holiday early, or extend it, with our thanks and best wishes.
The school employs a full-time well-being officer to support staff and pupils alike.
The school assumes that all staff are doing an excellent job. Planned 20-minute lesson drop ins take place twice a year at a time agreed in advance with staff. Formal work scrutiny takes place once a year at a time agreed in advance.
These activities are completed alongside, rather than to, staff. Strengths are identified with areas for discussion highlighted and talked through. Support, if required, is then put in place.
Alongside a comprehensive whole school offer, each department designs a weekly CPD offer to meet the specific curriculum needs of their team and the individuals within it. These are often delivered by experts within the team, with external speakers invited in as required.
We collect data whole school three times a year for each year group. Attitude to learning is automatically generated using the “Positive Behaviour for Learning” scores input into registers. This leaves staff to only input either a working at, or predicted, grade.
Departmental data collected after assessments is analysed for staff generating areas for improvement on a whole class and individual pupil basis. Staff can then use this analysis to put in place adaptive teaching and learning to best meet the needs of their classes.
Staff progression and development
We are proud that 50% of the staff currently employed in our school have been promoted during their time with us or came to us for promotion. Staff turnover in our school is low.
ITT and ECT colleagues in our school are exceptionally well supported by our dedicated Teaching and Learning Team and an additional 25+ colleagues have trained with us, been appointed as an ECT, and remain in our employment.
Collaborative culture
All departments have clearly defined sequences of learning accompanied by high-quality resources for you to use. All we ask is that these resources are adapted to suit the needs of the pupils in your classes. Subject leaders collate curriculum adaptations over time and, where common themes arise, changes are made to the curricula models in discussion with the whole team. Our holistic approach to pastoral care means all staff have a shared responsibility in the area. We actively tackle issues when they arise without leaving them for others to address. “The behaviour we ignore, is the behaviour we deserve”.
Examples of staff development and progression at The Marvell College
Talia Marr Talia was a pupil at The Marvell College and returned to undergo Initial Teacher Training. She has been employed as a Geography Teacher and will complete her ECT programme with us. “I attended Marvell College as a pupil, where my teachers inspired and pushed me to excel. Returning for teacher training, I was supported by staff and my mentor who helped support my journey. Their guidance led me to secure a job and fulfil my career aspirations, where I hope to shape the lives of young people.” |
Ellie Sams Ellie completed her Initial Teacher Training and ECT programmes with The Marvell College. Having previously been a Head of Year, Ellie is now employed as an Assistant Headteacher and SENDCo. “The Marvell College have supported my progression and professional development throughout my career, and I am proud to work for our local community. Having initially joined the team as a trainee teacher, and then had the opportunity to lead at both a middle and senior leadership level I have gained extensive experience and knowledge that I am now able to impart on newer colleagues in the school to support their own development. Being part of a dedicated and passionate team, that put the needs of students at the heart of all decisions, is something I am exceptionally proud to be a part of.” |
Angela Smith Angela began her working life at the Marvell College as a Learning Support Assistant helping our most vulnerable pupils in the classroom. The school supported Angela in gaining QTS and her ECT programme, and she is now a first-rate Teacher of Business and ICT. “Qualifying as a teacher felt like a natural progression for me, TMC saw my teaching potential as an LSA and encouraged me to take on more responsibility with the support of subject leaders and a mentor. I feel extremely proud to be a teacher at the Marvell College and the pupils encourage me to be the best I can be for them. I am excited to see where my teaching career at TMC will take me in the future.” |
Emily Storey Emily attended the school as a pupil and volunteered here during university to gain teaching experience. She completed her Initial Teacher Training and ECT programmes with The Marvell College and is now the Head of Creative Arts. "Excellent opportunities at The Marvell College have enabled me to progress forward within my teaching career from starting at the school as a volunteer in 2016. The support I have received has enabled me to advance into middle leadership - a role which gives me great fulfillment." |
Josh Goldspink Josh was a pupil at The Marvell College and returned work here in initially as an Achievement Mentor. He then completed his Initial Teacher Training and ECT programmes with us before becoming KS4 Co-ordinator in Science. Josh has been appointed as an Associate Assistant Headteacher from September 2024. “Through its supportive environment and professional development opportunities, The Marvell College has helped me develop as a teacher and leader. I’ve been able to refine my teaching skills, build confidence, and enhance my practice. The school’s emphasis on continuous improvement has also equipped me with the tools needed to take on leadership roles within the school. Leading initiatives and working within a dedicated team have all contributed to my growth, enabling me to effectively guide others and positively impact both students and colleagues.” |