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Studying Mathematics enables us to find patterns and structure in the world around us and provides the skills needed to solve problems.

Mathematics Curriculum Intent

To equip pupils with the skills and knowledge required to navigate mathematics successfully and confidently in their everyday lives and future careers, through developing their fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills. Using multiple approaches and representations will provide pupils with strategies to solve problems in context, as well as the independence to apply these to unfamiliar problems.

Pupils will study five key areas of mathematics: number; algebra; ratio and proportion; shape, space and measure; statistics and probability.

We focus on the following skills across the key areas within mathematics:

Fluency.  We develop and build conceptual understanding in our mathematical skills using different representations and models. We use varied and frequent practise to allow us to recall and apply the skills confidently.  

Reasoning.  We develop our ability to reason mathematically by applying logical thinking to a situation. Here we might be making conjectures, using generalisations, or making justifications or proof arguments using mathematical language.

Problem Solving.  We use our fluency and reasoning skills together and seek ways to apply them to solve problems that are new and unfamiliar. We may need to have the confidence to break the problem down into smaller steps in order to solve it.


More details of our curriculum plan for Maths can be found by clicking on the link below.

www.DrFrostMaths.com – All pupils will be given a log in for this to allow them to access from home to use as a revision tool.


Useful Websites

Maths Curriculum Plan